
Presenting IASLonline

About Ourselves

  • IASLonline (ISSN 1612-0442) is a free electronic magazine which has evolved from the printed version entitled Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur (International Archive for the Social History of Germanic Literature). IASLonline has been online since December 1998 offering reviews, discussion forums and articles regarding NetArt.

What We Do

  • We shorten the path to scientific knowledge: We make reviews available as soon as possible after books have been published, and avoid prolonged editing procedures. We currently publish four comprehensive specialised reviews each week.
    We provide an unorthodox platform for scientific communication: our discussion forums offer users the opportunity of participating in virtual conferences regarding a variety of topics – organised spontaneously but nevertheless with first rate content.

Our Objectives

  • IASLonline is designed to take advantage of opportunities offered by network communications: quick information and free worldwide access. Nevertheless, quality is our foremost concern: it is our objective to publish online texts which will still be worth reading tomorrow.

Our Readers

  • IASLonline is a non-profit organisation of scientists for scientists. Our offerings have established themselves firmly in the field of communications, and are continuously attracting more and more readers. This is substantiated by ever increasing numbers of visitors to our website from all over the world. We currently have approximately 66.235 Sessions (ca. 2.262.837 Hits, 185.617 Pageviews und 7.221.683 KBytes sent; October 2005).

    IASLonline's access statistics are available to the public for viewing at http://www.iaslonline.de/sys/stat

Editor's Policy Regarding Reviews

The editor's policies include three essential principles:

  1. Guaranteed Quality by means of appraisal and management:
    As a rule, reviews are prepared by trade journalists who are named in the text, and who assume responsibility for technical content. Reviews written by trade journalists are proofread and evaluated by at least two editors. Acceptance or rejection of any given review is decided by majority vote of the editors.
  2. Timely Publication:
    As a rule, reviews are made available online within four to eight weeks after receipt. During this time, texts are evaluated, revised, converted to HTML format and uploaded to the server.
  3. Worldwide Dissemination:
    Online texts can be accessed without restriction from anywhere in the world. Distribution is promoted by various means:
    • The subscription service, which is also free of charge, provides our readers with up-to-date information on a weekly basis.
    • Successful search engine support is provided by the editors through the use of technical search terms (keywords).
    • All reviews are displayed immediately in the "Literary Reviews (Lirez)" portal: http://lirez.de. They can be accessed in addition to the lists available from IASLonline according to various criteria.
    • Depending upon the subject of the review, we include additional entries in special interest portals or indices. A general reference to IASLonline is included in most general indices.

Our goals include reader-friendly design and easy navigation. Texts are laid out for monitor screen presentation to this end (optical subdivision by means of intermediate headings and short paragraphs, comments used as links etc.).

We endorse long-term, decentralised availability and archiving on servers which are managed by public institutions, so that older reviews can be accessed at any time as well. Data are currently managed by the IT-Gruppe Geisteswissenschaften at the University of Munich, and at the Munich Leibniz-Rechenzentrum. Cooperative efforts are currently being established with the Deutsche Bibliothek Frankfurt/M. (German Library in Frankfurt) and the Stadt- und Staatsbibliothek Frankfurt/M. (City and Federal Library in Frankfurt, field of Germanic literature).

Detailed Description

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