Tipp der Woche

  • Current Cites

Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE publiziert seit August 1990 Current Cites, eine Auswahl von Veröffentlichungen zur Informationstechnologie. Jeden Monat entsteht auf diese Weise eine Ausgabe von 10 bis 20 ausführlich annotierten Titeln, die über eine Mailing-Liste verbreitet werden. Der angesammelte Fundus kann durchsucht und für eine bibliographische Zusammenstellung (Bibliography on Demand) genutzt werden. "The items that are freely available on the Internet are also retrieved and indexed so that you can perform an Article Search of the full-text of these items."

Ein Beispiel aus Bd. 10, Nr. 12, vom Dezember 1999:

Harnad, Stevan. Free at Last: The Future of Peer-Reviewed Journals D-Lib Magazine 5(12) (December 1999) (http://www.dlib.org/dlib/december99/12harnad.html).

"Harnad has long been a vocal advocate of using networking technologies to free scholarly communication from standard publishing models. In his most recent argument for such a change, published by D-Lib Magazine as an opinion piece (for which they also take pains to absolve themselves of any implied support), he advocates methods by which authors of scholarly works can "self-archive" their work. If such local archives follow the emerging conventions of the Open Archives Initiative (http://www.openarchives.org/), then the resulting interoperability would enable users to easily locate a specific paper in whatever archive it is stored.

This, Harnad asserts, is inevitable – all that is required is that universities (and more specifically, the librarians working there) rise to the challenge of implementing the appropriate infrastructures and support mechanisms for authors. Interestingly enough, some universities are rising to the challenge. One such example is the Electronic Scholarship initiative of the California Digital Library of the University of California."

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